山田整骨院 (熊本市 交通事故治療 自賠責保険 むち打ち) - 熊本市中央区 - ブログ記事【エブリタウン】

山田整骨院 (熊本市 交通事故治療 自賠責保険 むち打ち)

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山田整骨院 (熊本市 交通事故治療 自賠責保険 むち打ち)のブログ記事

2024,4,18 No.12 Present for the injured or sick
2024 04/18 12:11
2024,4,18 No.12 Present for the injured or sick people not to be under medical treatment Re:how to make other person to spit out a food choked Th...
2024.4.12 No.11 Present for the injured or sick
2024 04/12 16:42
2024,4,12 No.11 Present for the injured or sick people not to be under medical treatment Re:how to spit out a food choked for oneselfThis is how ...
2024,4,9No.10Present for injured people
2024 04/09 20:13
2024,4,9 No.10 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:self setting arm fractureIn the case of fracture ,usually a bo...
2024,4,4 No.9 Present for injured people
2024 04/04 12:07
2024,4,4 No.9 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:the chin -up suspension method by machine This chin-up is very ...
No.8 Present for injured people
2024 04/01 16:20
2024,4,1 No.8 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:Splint Capillary exercise for arm fracture by machineWhen we c...
2024,3,29No.7 Present for injured people
2024 03/29 17:50
2024,3,29 No.7 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:the chin -up suspension method This chin-up is very effective ...
NO.6 Present for injured people
2024 03/26 16:55
2024,3,26 No.6 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:Splint Capillary exercise When we cure a fracture and a serio...
no.5 present for injured people
2024 03/21 12:15
2024,3,21 No.5 Present for the injured people not to be under medical treatment Re:Splint Capillary exercise by machineWhen we cure a fracture a...
no.4 Present for the injured people
2024 03/19 19:18
2024,3,19 No.4 Present for the injured people unable to be under medical treatment Re:Splint Capillary exerciseWhen we cure a fracture and a se...
no,3present for injured people
2024 03/17 20:13
2024,3,17 No.3 Present for the injured people unable to be under medical treatment Re:Suspension Capillary exercise The suspension capillary exe...
会社名 山田整骨院 (熊本市 交通事故治療 自賠責保険 むち打ち)
読み方 ヤマダセイコツイン
住所 熊本県熊本市中央区出水4-25-1
電話番号 096-364-7611 (0963647611)
近くの駅 市立体育館前駅(熊本市電)
独特の治療法で患者さんにも好評な山田整骨院です。 むち打ち治療をはじめ様々な症状にも対応しています。 身体は治るようになってます。治らない時は治療が合わないということです。治療法を、治療する所を変えるべきです。 患者さんは選択する権利があります。骨折、脱臼は医師の許可が要りますが、それ以外のむちうち、打撲、捻挫等は 医師の許可は不要です。分からない時は電話ください。
ブログ むち打ち症や交通事故傷害、腰痛、スポーツ傷害などを開設するブログです。
Twitter https://twitter.com/yamadasu2





山田整骨院 (熊本市 交通事故治療 自賠責保険 むち打ち)のオーナー様へ

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